Office Hours: 8am-2pm
Information and Referral Phone Line: 250.768.3305
Referrals are made to the most appropriate and available community health services.

Better at Home
A subsidized program assisting seniors with non-medical services (light housekeeping, grass cutting and home maintenance) to stay independent in their home.

Volunteers drive seniors to and from medical appointments and errands. Suggested donation round-trip to Kelowna $30 and West Kelowna $20.

Community Directory
A free directory of government, health services, support services, and organizations on the Westside.

Walk n Talk
A free program involving physical fitness (strength, balance, coordination, flexibility, endurance), socializing, and health education. The program runs September to April and is run by a certified osteofit exercise instructor.

Digital Device Tutorial
Volunteer students assist seniors with their devices (computers, tablets, smartphones).

Volunteer Visits
Volunteers join seniors for a visit, walk, coffee or activity.

Happy Hookers
A group of volunteers who knit, crochet, and craft items that are gifted to the community. Donations of wool and material are appreciated.
Tax Clinic
Annual tax preparation for low income individuals and families. This program runs in March to April, also available year around.

A health service that provides older adults with a record of their current medical information.